
Showing posts from 2016

Spring MVC form submission by ajax don't hitting the given ajax url: ERROR

Recently i experienced a problem regarding posting a form in spring mvc with ajax. i used bootstrap for css design. here i set data by using serialize method.but the form always submitted the url used in form action. <form:form class="" id="horizontalForm" name="horizontalForm" action="enroll.html"> so when i called ajax method it always hits say "enroll.html", not the given ajax url.I tried a lot, but not found any solution. then i found my problem when i clicked submit button. we can design our submit button a lot of ways. by input type submit, <input type="submit" value="Submit" id="submit"/> by input type button <input type="button" id="submit">Submit</input> by using bootstrap button <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">Submit</button> and suppose the ajax method is something like below, $....

ElasticSearch Tutorial : Creating index,updating an index,getting value by index search and delete index operation

What is Elastic search?? Why we need it?? Where Elastic search used?? a lot of question..... huh?? so lets start with minimum answer say "short ans". I also assume that you know about elasticsearch but don't know how to code it in java. ElasticSearch is noting but a full Text search engine with an http web interface. ElasticSearch is developed in java. it also supports distributed operation as well. we need it because it's search like NRT(Near Real Time). that's means search is significantly faster than database. it's schema free. Data store and pull both in json format. High availability and easy to scale. Large and big big system like Github, Facebook, StackOverFlow etc. usages ElasticSearch. Architecture is like it has some cluster. under the cluster it has some nodes, under the nodes it has document (we can say it "Index"). to insert data we need to specify the cluster name as well as node name. then create index, index t...